Government & NDPBs

Since the mid 1990’s our team have delivered a comprehensive service offer to local and central government, non-departmental public bodies, police, and fire services.  Our team have collaborated with many high profile organisations including the NAO, NIAO, Audit Scotland and Audit Commission.

Many team members have worked directly within the sub-sectors with which we work, including Local Authorities, Police, and Prison Service; they understand and can relate to your needs.

The public sector environment is challenging. Budgets are tight, there is increased scrutiny on cost, service improvement and transparency. We work with clients to ensure they have implemented a robust Board Assurance Framework, understand their risk environment and have put in place proportionate controls to manage risk, deliver objectives, achieve Value for Money and excel.

Increasingly, outsourcing, supply chain management, partnership and collaborative working are crucial to the achievement of objectives; our team have a proven approach to such audit areas which pays dividends and makes a difference to our clients.

Through our horizon scanning we help clients prepare for the future in an informed and controlled manner, supporting change and delivering benefits through our relationships; supporting our clients to deliver and be their best.

Our specialist team have the experience and in-depth knowledge you need to meet accountability demands and operate the best you can. Our experienced team takes a practical approach and works with you in a way that suits your needs.

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