Modern Slavery Act


Validera is not legally required to make a Modern Slavery Act Statement pursuant to section 54 of the Act; however we are committed to addressing the requirements of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the “Act”) and ensuring that our supply chain is compliant with the regulations prescribed therein. We acknowledge the undertakings in the Act and endeavour to create a culture of transparency with regards to the supply of goods and services to us.


Organisational Structure

All Validera businesses are based within the UK; we do not have any international subsidiaries. All team members are employed in accordance with UK employment practice. 


Supply Chains & Due Diligence Procedures

We are committed to ensuring that our supply chain is free of any slavery and/or human trafficking. We intend to govern all current and future third party relationships with these slavery issues in mind. We will not knowingly support and/or do business with any suppliers who are involved in slavery.


Due diligence procedures will be required to assess the nature and extent of our exposure to the risk of slavery; we:

  1. Request information regarding third party supplier’s working practices and require the relevant supplier to confirm that it is aware of, and complies with, its obligations under the Act;

  2. Communicate to potential new suppliers that we have a zero-tolerance policy with regards to slavery;

  3. Provide training to relevant stakeholders on slavery and our obligations under the Act; and

  4. Include reference to, and compliance with, these slavery supply chain issues in our supplier engagement process, supplier audit procedures and contractual arrangements with third party suppliers.

Through the above mentioned processes, we aim to identify any slavery risks and are able to investigate and eradicate such risks.

Training & Support

Team members are briefed in relevant UK legislation as part of our induction processes supported by HR and Legal teams.

Training is fundamental to raising awareness of these slavery issues; where team members are considered to be performing in a role which may expose them to encountering Modern Slavery risks or practices they are supported with suitable training to understand what actions they should take to report suspicions.


Despite not being legally bound by the Act we reiterate our ongoing commitment to the Act and its underlying principles.

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